Honey Juror Tutorial
Setting up your Case in Honey Juror
Chapter #1
Setting Up a New Case in Honey Juror
- Click on “New case”
- Select the type of case, Civil or Criminal.
- Notice how the selection of Civil or Criminal causes the types of the parties to change.
- Give your case a Name.
- You must create a Case Administrator for your case.
- Enter the Case Administrator’s name.
- Send an invitation to the Case Administrator’s email address.
- The Administrator opens the email and accepts the invitation on their Apple device.
- The Administrator must have Honey Juror installed on their Apple device.
Chapter #2
How to Add Teammates to Honey Juror
The Honey Juror Administrator adds the teammates who will be collaborating with you during your jury selection.
You add the teammate’s names in the Plaintiff or Defendant attorney spots depending on whether you represent the Plaintiff or the Defendant in a Civil case.
In a Criminal case, you will add your teammate information in either the Defendant or Government attorney spots.
Enter your teammate’s name(s).
This will allow you to send an invitation to the team member(s).
Enter their email address and wait for them to open the email on their Apple device.
They will need to install the Honey Juror App on their device, and after doing so they can log into the case and start collaborating.
By the way, if you have multiple attorneys who will each perform a portion of the jury selection, know that Honey Juror allows each attorney to set up their own Jury Selection Question Outlines
Chapter #3
Font Colors Assigned to Each Teammate in Honey Juror
Honey Juror allows you to assign different colors to each of your teammates.
The color assignment helps everyone distinguish within the notes who took which note and also shows the Honey Juror Administrator the ratings of any jurors made by each teammate where they applied the scale ratings.
Open the color selector, make your selection, click off to the side after you have selected the color for each teammate.
Click outside of the color selector to close it.
Chapter #4
Entering the Date of Your Trial in Honey Juror
- Select the Date field
- Use the scroll wheels to set the date of your trial.
Chapter #5
Courtroom Names in Honey Juror
You can save the Courtroom name to save time setting up seating charts for future trials.
Chapter #6
Keeping Track of How Many Jurors, Alternates and Peremptory Strikes
- You enter the number of jurors in the “Jurors to be Seated” box.
- You enter the number of Alternate Jurors in the “Alternate Jurors to be Seated” box.
- Please remember, that if for any reason, the Court changes the number of Alternate jurors, all you need to do is come back to the Case screen and update the number, and Honey Juror will make any adjustments to the Jury box on the seating chart.
- Next you enter the total number of peremptory challenges assigned to each side of the case.
- You can assign all the peremptory challenges to one party, or divide them among the various parties on that side.
Chapter #7
Adding Your Client’s Information to Honey Juror
If you represent two or more clients, you enter each client into Honey Juror.
You enter their demographic information as appropriate.
You enter the peremptory challenges and alternate peremptory challenges for each party.
You can add as many parties as desired because Honey Juror adds space to add additional parties.
Chapter #8
Adding the Opposing Parties to Honey Juror
You enter the opposing party’s name, and any demographics that are appropriate.
You can add the attorneys’ names, and their assistant’s names if you like.
Obviously opposing attorneys and assistants are not invited to collaborate in your case.
Chapter #9
Honey Juror Seating Chart How to Set Up Your Jury Seating Chart
- You navigate to the seat view by clicking on “Jury” which takes you to the “List View” of your jurors.
- Now you select “Seat View.”
- This takes you to the seat view where you can see the Jury Box and Alternate Box have been created for us based upon the information we added to the Case Screen.
- Select the “More” button, then in the dropdown menu, select “New Section”
- Enter the number of rows.
- Enter the number of seats per row for this one section.
- Now your seating section has been created, and you can move it around as desired.
- Next, you can create additional seating sections by following the same process as many times as you need until all of your seating sections are created.
- By creating sections of seats you make it easier for your team to find and identify the right juror in the right seat when taking notes or presenting.
Chapter #10
How to Modify Your Seating Chart, How to Remove or Mark a Seat
If you need to adjust your seating chart to accommodate different lengths of rows, or empty seats, double click on the seat you want to modify.
You are given the choices of “Remove Seat” or “Empty Seat”
You can also undo “Remove” a seat by double clicking on the seat.
The “Empty Seat” option puts a red X in the seat
Chapter #11
How to Number the Seats in Your Seating Chart
- You number the seats to match how the judge or bailiff arranges the jurors.
- Honey Juror allows you to number each section individually, or you can number all of the sections at one time.
- Select the “More” button, which opens the drop down option called “Seat numbering all sections.”
- You are then asked where to start the numbering.
- You select which corner is the starting place to number all the seats in all the sections.
- If you need to number each section independently, you double tap on a section of seats, and then select “Seat Numbering.” You again select which corner to start the numbering, and enter the lowest number to start numbering this section.
Chapter #12
Locked Seating in Honey Juror
When the Locked Seating is activated, it prevents any user from moving the seating sections around.
This prevents users from accidentally moving the seat sections around and distracting the rest of your team.
You can still zoom in and out as needed, but the sections won’t move around independently.