Honey CMS

Case Management System

Honey Case Management Systems (Honey CMS) allows the automation of mundane, repetitive tasks that are usually slow and frustrating.

Lawyers have specialized knowledge.

Unless your specialized knowledge is organized and intelligently directed through practical action plans and practical application, your specialized knowledge can’t be scaled. Honey CMS allows you to scale your knowledge throughout your law firm.

Unless your knowledge is applied to your team’s actions, your knowledge has no value and your team members will just use their best guess or their own misguided knowledge to solve problems, which is highly inefficient.

The biggest problem to scale a law firm is communication. Communication can come from the top down or bottom up. You need both, and you need your communication to be clear and memorable. With Honey, when you create your action plans, you include the reasons “why” to help your team learn the purpose of the action. This improves morale and decision making by your team.

Imagine your office running on autopilot. Your team knows what to do, when to do it, how to do it, and why what they are doing is important.

Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why is why you need Honey CMS.

Check back for updates when Honey CMS will be available for download.